While using Facebook have you ever tried to change your Facebook username ? If tried, then you must be knowing Facebook usernames are unchangeable and can be changed only once.
Facebook allows you to sign up using your email address or mobile number, which you can use as username to sign in later. But after your first log-in you are free to create your “Vanity URL” of profile by changing your profile username. But after making this change, you can do all stuffs on Facebook like changing email, name, profile pic etc. but you are not allowed to change unchangeable Facebook username again.
But today I’m going to share a working trick to change unchangeable Facebook username. Sounds good ? Of course, it should be ! Okay, here I’m guiding you step-by-step to change unchangeable Facebook username.
Trick to Change Unchangeable Facebook Username
1. First of all, Create a new Facebook fan page and get at least 25 likes. As Facebook pages with less than 25 likes don’t have username setting available.
Now point is that if you already have any such Facebook page which is useless, you can go ahead instantly or else it will take some time to get 25 likes depending upon your efforts.
2. Now that you have performed the step #1, go to Facebook.com/username. Here your new page’s username setting would be available.
Now you have to choose a username of your newly created page. Choose your desired username that you wish to have for your profile[It would later turn out to be your new username]. And you are half done !
3. Now you have to choose your new page from page section and then in Facebook web address section edit username from new one to your current profile username. Now checking availability would let you know whether this username is available or not.
Note : – For my personal security purposes I have blurred my usernames.
But as you hit check availability, you will clearly see option to transfer your old username to new page and username of new page to old profile. That’s what you were looking for… !
So as you click transfer username, you are asked to confirm. Here you’ll have to re-enter your login password. And once you confirm you are almost done. So congrats ! You just learn to change unchangeable Facebook username.
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Using this trick, you can change unchangeable Facebook username multiple times. So now you don’t have to worry if you haven’t got a good username or vanity URL in your first and second chances. Because it’s not all about first and second chances, sometimes you get multiple chances like this one.
An important update : Using this trick I have changed my profile’s vanity URL. So now you can reach me on the same profile but with different vanity URL. Meet me on Facebook.
Was this trick helpful ? Consider sharing with your friends also.
While going through these steps to change unchangeable Facebook username, if you faced any problem then must let me know via comment section below. Also if you know any other trick, put it before me please !
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