Are you looking to know the ways of getting traffic to the new blog? Are you struggling to drive visitors to your blog? Then this post is really for you. You work hard and write an excellent piece of a blog post. But fail to catch the attention of readers. You hardly get someone to read your blog post. You keep following the various tips and tricks to create and set-up your blog. You monitor the look and design as well. But you keep failing in getting traffic to the new blog. Do you know why?
The reason is simple – it’s just because your blog is new. So no one knows that your blog exists. So it takes time to drive attention of readers. This happens with every blogger. And you are not the new to this.
In fact, one of the biggest challenges that every new blog has to face is – Getting traffic to the new blog. Nowadays, many people jump into the deep ocean of make money blogging. They create a new blog either free or paid. They also write few awesome posts with attractive and catchy headlines. But when they fail in getting traffic to the new blog, they finally quit blogging.
This is the situation that makes me feel sorry. Because –
“Quitting is like accepting the defeat but one must fight until he takes his last breathe” – Rahul Dubey.
I hope you are a good fighter. So today, I’m sharing some basic ways for getting traffic to the new blog.
Image Credit [Joiseyshowaa]
5 Quick Ways for Getting Traffic to New Blog
The punch line that many professional bloggers advice is – it takes the time to get traffic and drive attention to a new blog. So keep calm and wait. But I would like to ask – Who has the time to wait? Obviously none.
So my punch line would be –
“Blogging is a deep ocean, you can’t survive in this ocean while keeping calm”- Rahul Dubey.
Though there are various other advanced ways for getting traffic to the new blog. But I’m going to focus only simple and basic ways. Because in the initial journey of blogging, you should concentrate much on developing great quality content. At the same time don’t ignore to let others know that your blog exists by following these tips.
1. Understanding Basics of SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most important factor towards the success of a blog. Search Engine Optimization of a blog is important as search engines are a great source of getting tons of free organic traffic.
Though many newbie bloggers even fear to talk about SEO. But you can’t deny this fact that SEO is a major factor that can either make or break you. So consider learning some basics of SEO. I don’t expect you to be an expert in SEO, but yes, you must learn the basics at least so that you may avoid basic SEO mistakes and boost your site’s SEO.
Know: New SEO Techniques Worth Learning – How SEO has Changed
2. Realizing the Power of Social Media
Use of social medias is growing at a fast pace. May be your target customers are on social media. So social medias can be a very powerful way not only for getting traffic to the new blog but also for established blogs. Even many of professional bloggers are driving huge traffic and new visitors to their blog using social medias.
Consider sharing your blog posts in major search engines after publishing. Initially, don’t target many social medias. As you start, focus on few targeted ones and explore as you progress.
Featured: 7 Highly Productive Places to Share Your Next Blog Post for 260% Increased Website Traffic
3. Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is one of the fastest methods to let others know that your blog exists. Commenting on other blogs can drive a large number of visitors from those blogs to your blog. Blog commenting has another great advantage which is getting back links. Nowadays, backlinks play a very prominent role in deciding rank of your blog posts.
So consider blog commenting as a must follow habit. Keep a close eye on top blogs in your niche. And comment on their latest posts. Try to be among top 5 or top 10. This will be beneficial in getting traffic to the new blog.
4. Social Bookmarking of Articles
Though often underestimated, social bookmarking can be a very effective way for getting traffic to the new blog. Social bookmarking sites are like a community where people are having different interest groups exist. So all you have to do is submit your articles to social bookmarking sites after publishing. Make sure you provide a catchy headline and attractive details. Also, don’t forget to choose the category for which your post is suitable.
Bookmark Your Articles at those Places Which are known for good Networking.
Now, as soon as you post, the interested people will start visiting your blog. And you’ll easily start getting traffic to the new blog. If they like your content, they vote you up. And if you got success in getting large number of likes or votes, your post would feature on the home page for a long time. Thus, your post would surely be getting tons of traffic.
Sounds sweet? You can consider bookmarking your latest posts on sites like Technorati, scoop.It, Newsvine, delicious,, ezine articles, BizSugar and much more.
5. Spreading Words
We often share our secrets with friends, family or near and dear one. Whoever we trust are the significant part of our life. But the same people can help you in spreading words about your new blog. You share your many secrets with them, why don’t you share whats happening with your new blog. Why do you make your blog a “Blogging Secret“?
In blogging, most of the activities go online, but sometimes offline promotion also helps. So all you have to do is get yourself out of that shell of shyness. Be frank and tell your friends to check out your blog URL. And make sure they inform their friends too. Thus make a chain of promotion not only online but offline too.
No matter how tough the work is – it get’s easier when you engage your friends.
Though this method is still a secret or even if someone knows, highly ignore this. But this can be very beneficial in spreading words and getting traffic to the new blog.
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Getting traffic to new blog highly depends on the way you promote your new blog. It is nothing but just letting others know that your blog exists. Once they come to know about your new blog, they will surely visit once. But it’s up to your contents and design of blog that makes a difference between new visitors and returning visitors.
Hope these “Basic Ways for Getting Traffic to New Blog” will help you in driving a good amount of traffic to your blog. However, if you know any other way(s) for getting traffic to new blog then must let me know via comments.