Do you go to Facebook often and keep going through your news feed ? Do you keep an eye on every notification you get ? You must be waiting for an important update from your favorite Facebook page or checking notifications to know whether your recently uploaded profile pic or status got few more likes or comments. Isn’t it ? If your answer is yes, then you are suffering from serious Facebook Addiction Disorder and you need to keep learning this so that you could beat Facebook addiction.
“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism”. – Carl Jung
Facebook is one of the largest social networking site and almost everyone of us is now on Facebook. But most of us have got a [bad] habit of staring on our smartphones even at work place. Aren’t we trying to be more social than necessity ?
Even Facebook itself reports that American now spend 40 minutes a day checking their news feed, more than what they spend in taking care of their pets [source]. Not only Americans, it is quite similar story for people in every part of the world. You check your news feed to know what’s going on your friends mind by glancing at least once every hour on your smartphone screen and you think you are quite smart to manage every thing even at work place. But you are not !
Must Read : Smart Trick to Change Facebook Username Multiple Times
You are unknowingly and unwillingly wasting your precious time due to Facebook addiction disorder – something which could have made you more productive at work place. And you need to beat such Facebook addiction disorder.
But How Can You Beat Facebook Addiction Disorder ?
If you are a Facebook addict and spend more time Facebook-ing then you need do few changes and take the steps we are providing you here in the info-graphic below.
Infographic Credit : WhoIsHostingThis
The Pro Review from TechReviewPro
Almost every one of us are somewhat suffering from Facebook Addiction Disorder and even if you may afford it, your near and dear ones can’t. Your loved ones simply need more time from you. So stop staring in your Fb news feed and be the part of their lives for whom you really matter.
How do you beat Facebook addiction disorder ? Is something or few more tips missing from this story ? Add it now, using the comment box below.